Two minutes with Avery's chef-patron, Rodney Wages

Do you have a signature / hero dish? If so, what makes it stand-out for you?

Tortellini in brodo! This dish has been on our menu since our first popup in 2016. It may seem simple but is layered with so much flavour. The tortellini are filled with a broth made with cultured butter and shitake mushrooms floating in a broth infused with roasted garlic, burnt onion butter and chives and nettle. They burst/ pop in your mouth, filling your mouth with a warm delicious liquid. We pair this with sherry or a red wine to complement the flavours.

How will Avery Edinburgh differ from Avery San Francisco?

As we go through the seasons we will be forced to focus on the product of the season. In California while you do have seasonal produce, you can access pretty much anything you want year round. Here in Scotland, I am excited by the challenge of using what is available to me as we go through the seasons and making the most of the windows of seasonality for certain products.

What are your favourite ingredients to cook with?

Seafood- This ingredient requires every detail of cooking to make it the best it can be. From sourcing, storage, butchery, seasoning, and cooking or not cooking. Being focused to time the perfect poach on a nice fish or perfectly butchering a fish just has a weird satisfaction to it.